China maize flour mill Manufacturers and Suppliers | Hongdefa


Since 1982 Branch office in Zambia Uganda Ethiopia

150T / 24h koruzne moke rezkalni stroj

Kratek opis:


Advanced flour processing production line: High quality.  Professional design, Perfect after-sales service

Podrobnosti izdelka

Oznake izdelka

150tpd maize flour milling machine 

Značilnosti koruzo brusilni stroj:

1. Turnkey projekt koruzo mlinček stroja.

2. Napredno podporo tehnologiji in prilagodili zasnovo.

3. Temeljito obrti in racionalno razporeditev.

4. Nizka poraba energije.

5. Popolna poprodajnih storitev.

6. Dve letna garancija.

products from the maize mill:

izdelki sorte Koruze fino moko
koruznih kalčkov
koruzni otrobi
krmna moka

Koruza glodalica lahko proizvajajo različne vrste koruznega zdroba in koruzno moko, hrano za izdelavo Afrika osnovno živilo.


Products quality index:

vsebnost peska ≤0.02%
vsebnost maščob ≤2.5%
Vsebnost magnetno kovinsko ≤0.003%
Vsebnost vlage ≤13.5-14.5%(based on the raw corn accordingwith national standard for raw grain storage)

Flow :
5t-koruznih milling06Tehnični Pretok:

This is the commercial maize flour milling processing machine,It include flour-step:

 Cleaning--  conditioning--  degerminating--milling--sifting-- packing

1. Čiščenje sistem: ob nakupu koruzo, navadno koruzo, je zelo umazana, v državah v Afriki. Torej pred predelavo, je treba čiščenje first.In koruze je mnoge vrste nečistoče, kot so kamen, železo, vrv, plastike itd Torej, po tem smo uporabili koruze boben sito / koruza čistejših / koruze destoner itd strojev za čiščenje koruzo.

2. Degerminating sistem: Po čiščenju koruzo, preden degerminating, najprej vlage v koruzo in pustite spati koruze v bin vlage za 2-10 ur po različne zahteve, nato pa pojdite na degerminator koruze, lahko degerminator očistite zajemalni koruza koža iz koruzne koščice in pregnati kalčkov iz svoje votline z minimalno zmanjšanje velikosti lomljeni delci.

3. Mlin: Postopek izdelave produktov iz treh osnovnih sub-procesov. Prvič, fizično loči tri komponente jedra koruze od drugega s čim manj razredčine ali mešanje, kot je mogoče. Drugič, vrste in razvršča ločenih delcev v specifične skupine in zadnji, velikosti in zmanjša delce na potrebne razdrobljenosti. Tri komponente so nato rekombinantne po potrebi, odvisno od vrste končnega izdelka zahteva. Cilj procesa je torej odstraniti otrobi in kalčki iz koruznih jeder z minimalno razpadom bodisi endosperma ali ohišje otrobi / kalčkov. Čisto endosperm se nato postopoma zmanjša na velikost, da so izdelki različnih zrnatosti, ki segajo od relativno velikih kosov žigom na zelo Fine koruzne moke.

4. Pakiranje sistem: Koruzna moka strojno pakiranje lahko pakiranje z različnih vrst vrečk, kot 1kg / 2 kg / 5 kg / 10 kg / 25kg / 50kg.

Main mill machines: 

 --- roller mill

Check the operation of the equipment

The mill is the most important one machine of whole processing line, is mainly for grinding. To break wheat and brans structure, and spearate the wheat husk and the embryo from endosperm by grinding.



hongdefa maize wheat mill  (7)





Material: High-strength alloy steel

Up and down sifter circles with steel plate overall by bending

Transmission system using spring force component institutions

Sieve frames of wood coated with synthetic resinshape no change

All the inside walls as well as the doors are provided with high-grade insulation

Vertical and horizontal clamping system







The principle is when the sieve body are droved by two sides vibrating motors, wheat flow into the first sieve surface through feeding entrance, large impurity on the upper sieve is discharged to the hopper. Another material come into the second sieve surface for continual sift. On this surface, the wheat and small impurity are separated each other. Finally lighter impurity is discharged by the suction pipes. This machine has much speciality such as high capacity, without jaming and so on. The function is the sieve remove all impurities from wheat to reduce dust and impurity to pollute workshop as much as it can. And ensure rear working line with good running. Meanwhile to avoid jaming into the slip of screw conveyor and exit of damper bin. Behind the horizontal scourer has another vibrating sieve, to remove mud, broken  wheat, small impurity, wheat hair from the scourer. 



According to different gravity between wheat and same size stones, and air dynamics, adopt destone and sieve performance and movement parameter, and air current speed, the destoner to classificate the raw material. The wheat and stones moving on the sieve with different direction, made the stones are separated from wheat.








maize milling packing machine1流量称

1.Online auto cumulative weight;

2.High-precision on-line flow control;

3.Frequency (batch) weight control;

4.With MODBUS communication interface with computer networking, computer centralized management control;

5.According to customer needs, can have the print function.

6.Feeding and support is stainless steel






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