150tpd maize flour milling machine
Taybetmendiyên Maize Grinding Machine:
projeya 1. Turnkey ji makîneya garis grinder.
2. piştgiriya teknolojiya pêşketî û design takekesî.
3. crafts û kûr û dabeşkirina mentiqî ye.
4. mezaxtina hêza Low.
5. Perfect piştî-firotinê xizmetê.
6. Du sal garantiyê.
products from the maize mill:
cihêrengiyeke Products | Garisê arê xas, |
germ garis | |
bran garis | |
ar, alîf |
Aparata ku pêlhev garis dikarin kind cuda yên xwarinê garis, û ard garis, xwarin, ji bo çêkirina Afrîka xwarin selefan hilberîne.
Products quality index:
naveroka sand | ≤0.02% |
naveroka fat | ≤2.5% |
naveroka metal Magnetic | ≤0.003% |
naveroka rewa | ≤13.5-14.5%(based on the raw corn accordingwith national standard for raw grain storage) |
Flow :
Flow teknîkî:
This is the commercial maize flour milling processing machine,It include flour-step:
Cleaning-- conditioning-- degerminating--milling--sifting-- packing
1. pergala Cleaning: dema kirîna de garis, di normalê garis li welatên Afrîkayê pir qirêj e. Îcar berî ku, divê ji bo paqijkirina first.In ji garis e gelek ji pîsîtî rengî hene, wek kevir, hesin, werîsek plastîk, hwd. Bi vî awayî li gorî vê em kar garis drum vodka / garis cleaner / garis destoner etc makîneyên ji bo paqijkirina garis.
2. pergala Degerminating: Piştî paqijkirina garis, berî degerminating, pêşî divê li rewa ya garis û bila xewa garis di bin rewa ya ji bo 2-10 saetan li gor daxwaza cuda, paşê ji bo degerminator garis di herin, degerminator dikarin scrub de çerm garis ji kernel garis û rolê di germ ji valahîya xwe ya bi herî kêm kêmkirina li size, ji pariyên şikandin.
3. sîstema pêlhev: pêvajoya hilberandina berhemên sê sub-pêvajoyên bingehîn. Di serî de, fîzîkî detaches sê pêkhatên kernel garis ji hev û din bi qelsbûn wek kêm an tevlihevkirinê de wek gengaz. Ya duyemîn jî, cûre û zimanê pirîskên vekişandine nav komên taybet û ya dawî, sizes û kêm dike pirîskên ji granularity pêwîst. Hersê pêkhateyên bi wê li ser corê ji berhema dawîyê pêwîst weke pêwîst recombined. Armanca pêvajoya piştre, ew e, ku ne pêkan e li bran û germ ji difirikandin garis bi a herî kêm ji hevketina, yan endosperm an cihaza bran / germ. The endosperm paqij e, piştre hêdî hêdî li size kêm ji bo avakirina berhemên granularity cuda de, çi ji pariyên nisbeten mezin ji samp ji arê garis pir Fine.
4. Packing sîstema: ar, Maize machine pakêta dikarin bi kind cuda yên bags, wek 1kg / 2kg / 5kg / 10kg / 25kg / 50kg barkirinê.
Main mill machines:
--- roller mill
The mill is the most important one machine of whole processing line, is mainly for grinding. To break wheat and bran’s structure, and spearate the wheat husk and the embryo from endosperm by grinding.
Material: High-strength alloy steel
Up and down sifter circles with steel plate overall by bending
Transmission system using spring force component institutions
Sieve frames of wood coated with synthetic resin,shape no change
All the inside walls as well as the doors are provided with high-grade insulation
Vertical and horizontal clamping system
The principle is when the sieve body are droved by two sides vibrating motors, wheat flow into the first sieve surface through feeding entrance, large impurity on the upper sieve is discharged to the hopper. Another material come into the second sieve surface for continual sift. On this surface, the wheat and small impurity are separated each other. Finally lighter impurity is discharged by the suction pipes. This machine has much speciality such as high capacity, without jaming and so on. The function is the sieve remove all impurities from wheat to reduce dust and impurity to pollute workshop as much as it can. And ensure rear working line with good running. Meanwhile to avoid jaming into the slip of screw conveyor and exit of damper bin. Behind the horizontal scourer has another vibrating sieve, to remove mud, broken wheat, small impurity, wheat hair from the scourer.
According to different gravity between wheat and same size stones, and air dynamics, adopt destone and sieve performance and movement parameter, and air current speed, the destoner to classificate the raw material. The wheat and stones moving on the sieve with different direction, made the stones are separated from wheat.
1.Online auto cumulative weight;
2.High-precision on-line flow control;
3.Frequency (batch) weight control;
4.With MODBUS communication interface with computer networking, computer centralized management control;
5.According to customer needs, can have the print function.
6.Feeding and support is stainless steel