hongdefa factory
Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co.,Ltd is located in Wumashan industrial park, Shijiazhuang ,China. Hongdefa has a manufacturing factory 50000 square meters, and 5000 square meters of production workshop, 6000 square meters warehouses, 1000 square meters of office space.mere -
Giv den bedste løsning for Flour Mills, Offer hele projektet Høring og design, professionel installation, levering af reservedele ...mere -
Branch office
Branch office in Ethiopia , Zambia, Uganda, It is very convenient and easier for client to get the technology service and spare parts supply...mere -
Hongdefa Projekt oprettet i mere end 30 lande, såsom Zambia, Kenya, Egypten, Etiopien, Angola, Afghanistan, Brasilien, Zimbabwe, Tanzania ...mere
Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co, Ltd er beliggende i Wumashan industripark, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, 1 time med højhastighedstog eller 4 timer i bil Fra Beijing.Hongdefa har cirka 120 ansatte, en fremstilling fabrik 50000 kvadratmeter og 5000 kvadrat meter af produktion værksted, 6000 kvadratmeter pakhuse, 1000 kvadratmeter kontorlokaler.
Introducing HONGDEFA Premium Quality Mai...23-08-21With over 37 years of experience, our company takes immense pride in providing top-notch wheat a...
Exploring the Potential of Maize Flour Mi...23-08-21In today's global climate of increasing food demands, it is crucial to optimize agricultural proc...
Successful case-Main star products: 30ton...22-07-05https://www.hdfmills.com/uploads/h-30t-maize-mill-in-africa-.mp4 this is 30t maize milling machi...